For this homework assignment, I used the NYTimes API in attempting to create simple data visualization with movie reviews. I wasn’t able to get far in my sketch because I was struggling with attaching the Key to the API JSON string.
Tried the following that didn’t work:
1) var url = ‘’+’&APPID=ADD KEY HERE‘;
2) var url = ‘’
var apikey = ‘?&apikey=ADD KEY HERE‘;
But this line worked:
loadJSON(“ KEY HERE“, gotData);
Now that I was finally able to attach the data to the sketch, it now displays 1 ‘film title’ of the movie review in the console. I tried following Shiffman’s NYTimes & API video to create variables (eg: createElements and createP) but the results doesn’t run, so I’m stuck at that point for now.
function setup() {
loadJSON(" KEY HERE", gotData);
function gotData(data) {
//var articles = data.results;
//for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.number; i++) {
ellipse(random(width), random(height), 16, 16);*/