ICM / Week 6 / HTML, CSS and Holmes


I’ve been thinking about using maps and Sherlock Holmes as a project for awhile. I originally planned on building a map of London in p5, but when we had class last week and learned to use jpgs from websites, it made it quicker to build this because it would of taken me the rest of the semester to actually built it. There’s a lot more that I would do with this idea. On the top header, there is a Sherlock quote. I gathered some other Sherlock quotes and collected them in an excel file, so it would be great to be able to press a button and generate the different Sherlock quotes. And for the mousePress, I would like to be able to hover over the map, press a key location and then have a magnifying glass appear with a closeup of the building inside of the circle of the glass for places like Scotland Yard, Baker Street and some other Sherlock haunts of London.
